Sunday, February 1, 2009

FREE traffic!

if you have been faithful followers of my blog, you would have noticed that over the past 2 days, my blog has been getting increasing traffic. well, this is because i've chanced upon 2 free programs to get targetted traffic to my blog! and i'm sharing it with all of you here because i know it works! simply sign up for free, input your link and follow some simple instructions given by the website and you're ready to experience exponential traffic! its free, so you've got nothing to lose!

Web Traffic Juggernaut. this website includes easy to follow instructions.

I will introduce the first program for today. as soon as i get comfortable with the other program that i am using, i will let you guys know. so stay tuned to my blog and keep checking back for updates. thank you and have a nice day.

edit: i've decided to add in the 2nd traffic generator program as well.
this is rather similar to webtrafficjuggernaut. though i prefer the first one (i have no idea why lols). it is just as simple to use, and provides with equally good quality traffic.

edit2: i found another traffic generator program. it even allows you to communicate with your downlines via mail service within the program!
visit the site for more details! it really sounds amazing.

thats all for today! i'm going to work on the sites right now :)

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